Hello dear friends! Niki speaking to you all.
We’ve been very quiet the past few weeks as we’ve been working steadily behind the scenes on 2 projects!
As you all know, our ultimate goal has been to shoot a Feature Film in the last quarter of the year and so far we’ve been having very good progress.
Casting Calls have started for certain roles and everything seems to be coming together. Sadly we still can’t give any more information on the project itself.
We plan on sharing the project in coming months with you, as well as the castings as soon as they are confirmed!
I’ve been saying that I do want to finish another Short Film before starting the production on our Feature Project.
The script for a short film has been in the works for the past 2 months and now it’s at a stage where it’s almost done. I’m very happy with how it’s turned out so far and if it gets produced, it’ll be out before the end of May.
Hopefully I don’t eat my words like I usually do, but believe me, I’m trying my best to make this short possible :)
The whole team at Veneta is currently working on something special for all of you guys that want to be able to interact a bit more. In the next 1-2 Months, we’ll probably announce it so this is just a small teaser to tell you that something cool is coming!
This all we have to update you guys on. You can always Contact Us or shoot us a DM on Instagram and we’ll answer as best as we can. Otherwise just stay tuned and enjoy Films as always!